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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

Davenport Community School District Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

The Comprehensive School Improvement Plan, or CSIP, is a detailed plan of actions for accomplishing the District’s goals. Creating and sustaining a high-performance education environment takes both dedication and thoughtful planning. The CSIP is a planning document, featuring both broad-based perspectives on the priorities of our District as well as specific learning goals for our students. These goals provide an important measure of accountability.

As a District, we are committed to focusing our time, our energy, and our resources on providing a quality education for all of our students by striving to achieve our mission:  To enhance each student’s abilities by providing a quality education enriched by our diverse community.

Student achievement is the top priority of Davenport Community Schools. Through the use of differentiated instruction, students are assessed in areas of knowledge, readiness, language, preferences in learning, and interests to customize teaching and learning.  When students have difficulty mastering new material, teachers form Collaborative Teacher Teams (CTT’s) and monitor strategies aimed at moving students towards success. 

The following are the District’s supports for the advancement of teaching and learning:

Multi-Tiered System of Support for Students (MTSS)

The purpose of MTSS is to systematically provide every child with the additional time and support needed to learn at high levels.  This process includes engaging a school’s staff in a collective process that will guarantee every student receives the time and support to meet their academic and behavioral needs.  Collaborative teams identify essential knowledge and skills that all students must master, analyze targeted evidence to identify specific learning needs, and plan for interventions, and extended learning to support essential learning standards.

To view the DCSD Teaching and Learning Improvement Plan, click here

Standards-Based Assessment and Reporting (SBAR)

The purpose of creating an educational system that relies on standards-based assessment and reporting is to have a clearly articulated K-12 curriculum.  This system is built through the process of prioritizing standards, creating proficiency scales, and writing common assessments.  This process leads to a clear understanding of what teachers will teach and what students will know and be able to demonstrate.  A clearly articulated curriculum allows teachers to accurately and reliably monitor, provide feedback to students and communicate student progress.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) 

PBIS is our multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) for social, emotional, and behavioral health. Our District is committed to providing tiered levels of support to ensure that all students have the opportunity to be successful while maintaining a safe and effective learning environment. PBIS is not in and of itself a specific curriculum or program, but rather a framework for using data to make targeted decisions to benefit individual students. For more information about PBIS please visit our PBIS+ Site

Instructional Practices

The purpose of Instructional practices is to focus on teachers’ growth and development. This plan provides a systematic approach to collaborate around research-based best practices and integrated technology resources.

General Expectations for Graduation

Davenport’s student learning goals are the general expectations for all its graduates. Students graduating from Davenport Community School District will:

  • Apply reading, writing, and speaking skills to communicate effectively
  • Understand and apply mathematical ideas
  • Understand our earth, ecological impact, the physical world, and the cycles of life
  • Understand the development of civic responsibility and the influence of history, geography, government, and economics on individuals and societies
  • Understand, perform, and value music
  • Understand, produce, and value visual art
  • Demonstrate appropriate physical movement and form
  • Demonstrate skills and knowledge needed for making life-long health decisions
  • Demonstrate technical knowledge and skills needed to be productive within the context of real life
  • Be knowledgeable about career choices across a variety of areas
  • Apply critical thinking skills when making decisions and solving problems
  • Use technology and other sources of information for a variety of purposes
  • Demonstrate attitudes and skills that support self-directed lifelong learning, personal pursuits, productivity, and conflict resolution
  • Demonstrate attitudes and behaviors that support global understanding, collaboration, diversity, and interdependence
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