Daily Announcements

West High School Daily Announcements

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The blood drive is TODAY! in the LMC. If you signed up to donate, make sure you bring your permission slip and a photo ID to your appointment. The library will be closed today including block 3

"Attention Seniors!" Scholarships Award Forms are required to be submitted as soon as possible; They are due today!, Which is tomorrow. This is not required to receive your Diploma but is highly recommended. Please check your Google Classrooms for the link! Consult with your counselor if you have any questions."

Mark your calendars for the senior picnic on Friday, May 17th at 9 AM at the Fairgrounds! We will be having Casey's pizza, snacks, games, drinks, yearbook signing, and a special helicopter landing from the US Air Force!

Seniors, also remember to return your Chromebook, charger and bag to the library after your last final. See Mrs. Kizer if you have any questions

Yearbooks are still available online at www.yearbookforever.com or in the main office from Diane Paquet. Seniors will receive their purchased yearbook at the Senior Picnic on May 17th. 9th-11th grade students will begin receiving their books on Monday, May 20th

Previous daily announcements (8/25/23 - July 2024)

District - Superintendent, District - Board, High School - Central - Principal's Office, High School - Central - Awards and Honors, High School - Central - News, High School - Central - Daily, High School - West - Principal's Office, High School - West - Awards and Honors, High School - West - News, High School - West - Daily, High School - North - Principal's Office, High School - North - Awards and Honors, High School - North - News, High School - North - Daily, High School - Mid City - Principal's Office, High School - Mid City - Awards and Honors, High School - Mid City - News, High School - Mid City - Daily, Intermediate School - Smart - Principal, Intermediate School - Smart - News, Intermediate School - Sudlow - Principal, Intermediate School - Sudlow - News, Intermediate School - Walcott - Principal, Intermediate School - Walcott - News, Intermediate School - Williams - Principal, Intermediate School - Williams - News, Intermediate School - Wood - Principal, Intermediate School - Wood - News, Elementary School - Adams - Principal, Elementary School - Adams - News, Elementary School - Blue Grass - Principal, Elementary School - Blue Grass - News, Elementary School - Buchanan - Principal, Elementary School - Buchanan - News, Elementary School - Buffalo - Principal, Elementary School - Buffalo - News, Elementary School - Eisenhower - Principal, Elementary School - Eisenhower - News, Elementary School - Fillmore - Principal, Elementary School - Fillmore - News, Elementary School - Garfield - Principal, Elementary School - Garfield - News, Elementary School - Harrison - Principal, Elementary School - Harrison - News, Elementary School - Hayes - Principal, Elementary School - Hayes - News, Elementary School - Jackson - Principal, Elementary School - Jackson - News, Elementary School - Madison - Principal, Elementary School - Madison - News, Elementary School - McKinley - Principal, Elementary School - McKinley - News, Elementary School - Monroe - Principal, Elementary School - Monroe - News, Elementary School - Truman - Principal, Elementary School - Truman - News, Elementary School - Walcott - Principal, Elementary School - Walcott - News, Elementary School - Washington - Principal, Elementary School - Washington - News, Elementary School - Wilson - Principal, Elementary School - Wilson - News, Alumni News, Stepping Stones
November 13, 2022
Water Precautionary Measures
Water Precautionary Measures
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