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Principal’s Office

A Message From Ms. Lacina

It is our goal to provide a supportive climate and culture at Wood Junior High. We work hard to ensure our students are successful and to take Wood Junior High to the next level. We are passionate about helping our students reach their academic goals as well as promoting and celebrating their successes. We believe in getting our students involved and providing them with opportunities to grow both socially and emotionally.

Our staff is dedicated to our Wood Viking community and helping our students be successful. We look forward to working with you and your students this year!

Principal's Corner
District - Superintendent, District - Board, High School - Central - Principal's Office, High School - Central - Awards and Honors, High School - Central - News, High School - Central - Daily, High School - West - Principal's Office, High School - West - Awards and Honors, High School - West - News, High School - West - Daily, High School - North - Principal's Office, High School - North - Awards and Honors, High School - North - News, High School - North - Daily, High School - Mid City - Principal's Office, High School - Mid City - Awards and Honors, High School - Mid City - News, High School - Mid City - Daily, Intermediate School - Smart - Principal, Intermediate School - Smart - News, Intermediate School - Sudlow - Principal, Intermediate School - Sudlow - News, Intermediate School - Walcott - Principal, Intermediate School - Walcott - News, Intermediate School - Williams - Principal, Intermediate School - Williams - News, Intermediate School - Wood - Principal, Intermediate School - Wood - News, Elementary School - Adams - Principal, Elementary School - Adams - News, Elementary School - Blue Grass - Principal, Elementary School - Blue Grass - News, Elementary School - Buchanan - Principal, Elementary School - Buchanan - News, Elementary School - Buffalo - Principal, Elementary School - Buffalo - News, Elementary School - Eisenhower - Principal, Elementary School - Eisenhower - News, Elementary School - Fillmore - Principal, Elementary School - Fillmore - News, Elementary School - Garfield - Principal, Elementary School - Garfield - News, Elementary School - Harrison - Principal, Elementary School - Harrison - News, Elementary School - Hayes - Principal, Elementary School - Hayes - News, Elementary School - Jackson - Principal, Elementary School - Jackson - News, Elementary School - Madison - Principal, Elementary School - Madison - News, Elementary School - McKinley - Principal, Elementary School - McKinley - News, Elementary School - Monroe - Principal, Elementary School - Monroe - News, Elementary School - Truman - Principal, Elementary School - Truman - News, Elementary School - Walcott - Principal, Elementary School - Walcott - News, Elementary School - Washington - Principal, Elementary School - Washington - News, Elementary School - Wilson - Principal, Elementary School - Wilson - News, Alumni News, Stepping Stones
November 13, 2022
Water Precautionary Measures
Water Precautionary Measures
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