Fresh Films

Weekly Filmmaking Program





Hollywood is EVERYWHERE! If you thought working behind the camera in Hollywood was not a career option for you - well, think again! The entertainment industry is rapidly growing across the US and pays twice the national average!

We are very excited to be a partner of Fresh Films and to be able to offer this incredible program to you! Join the Fresh Films Weekly Filmmaking program here on Thursdays after school from October 27 - May 25 and learn from Hollywood pros from Sony, Paramount, Roku, Discovery, and more as you build film skills every week! We will be meeting in Room 322 with Mr. Balsar.

Even if you decide that Hollywood’s not your thing, the skills that you’ll learn in the Fresh Films program are wanted by every company! Enhance your creative genius and find your crew as you create and produce different film projects including music videos, a competition show, documentaries, narrative short films and more! This is your chance to explore the entertainment industry and get your foot in the door! The program is completely free and all experience levels are welcome.

Don’t wait! Registration ends October 20!

Visit for more info and apply to join us today! Don’t be scared of the application;  we just want to get to know you better!

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