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McKinley Elementary School News

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Estimado Padre, Tutor u otro Adulto Legalmente Responsable de Estudiante:

Todos los distritos escolares públicos de Iowa están obligados a administrar una encuesta anual sobre el clima escolar y la cultura a todos los estudiantes que cursan de 3ro de Primaria a ultimo grado de Preparatoria. La encuesta se llama Encuesta Sobre las Condiciones de Aprendizaje Escolar o Conditions for Learning Survey (por su nombre en inglés). La Encuesta está diseñada para medir la participación, la seguridad y el entorno de aprendizaje en general, en el plantel escolar. Este año 2021, los padres y tutores de los estudiantes en preescolar hasta el último grado de preparatoria tienen la oportunidad de participar en esta Encuesta. Ya que esto permitirá una mayor representación en los esfuerzos para una mejora escolar en general.

La Encuesta contiene artículos similares a la Encuesta de Estudiantes, centrándose en áreas que van desde la seguridad de los estudiantes, hasta las relaciones positivas entre adultos y estudiantes, las reglas escolares y cómo se aplican en cada plantel escolar. La Encuesta para Padres o Tutores, está disponible en inglés y español, desde ahora hasta el 28 de mayo del 2021 en PARENT PORTAL. La Encuesta pedirá que todos los padres o tutores de niños en preescolar hasta el último grado preparatorio completen las primeras cuatro preguntas, que el Departamento de Educación debe recopilar según sea necesario, para informar bajo la Parte B de la Ley de Educación de Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEA). Sin embargo, ninguna persona está obligada a completar la encuesta y la participación es voluntaria.

Las respuestas de esta Encuesta en línea son confidenciales y los resultados son completamente anónimos. No se registran nombres y no se adjunta ninguna información de identificación a respuestas específicas. Los resultados de la Encuesta serán devueltos a los planteles escolares para ser utilizados con los resultados de la Encuesta estudiantil para identificar nuestras áreas fuertes y las áreas que necesitan mejoras.

Gracias por su participación, esto nos permite mejorar las condiciones en el plantel escolar y en todo el estado. Se incluye una visión general de la Encuesta. Por favor, no dude en llamarnos si tiene alguna pregunta.


Sinceramente, El Director del Plantel Escolar. Doc.

Translated by Hispanic Cultural Liaison/ Doc. Traducido por Coordinador de Padres de Familia en el Distrito Escolar en Davenport, IA-sadc

School news
District - Superintendent, District - Board, High School - Central - Principal's Office, High School - Central - Awards and Honors, High School - Central - News, High School - Central - Daily, High School - West - Principal's Office, High School - West - Awards and Honors, High School - West - News, High School - West - Daily, High School - North - Principal's Office, High School - North - Awards and Honors, High School - North - News, High School - North - Daily, High School - Mid City - Principal's Office, High School - Mid City - Awards and Honors, High School - Mid City - News, High School - Mid City - Daily, Intermediate School - Smart - Principal, Intermediate School - Smart - News, Intermediate School - Sudlow - Principal, Intermediate School - Sudlow - News, Intermediate School - Walcott - Principal, Intermediate School - Walcott - News, Intermediate School - Williams - Principal, Intermediate School - Williams - News, Intermediate School - Wood - Principal, Intermediate School - Wood - News, Elementary School - Adams - Principal, Elementary School - Adams - News, Elementary School - Blue Grass - Principal, Elementary School - Blue Grass - News, Elementary School - Buchanan - Principal, Elementary School - Buchanan - News, Elementary School - Buffalo - Principal, Elementary School - Buffalo - News, Elementary School - Eisenhower - Principal, Elementary School - Eisenhower - News, Elementary School - Fillmore - Principal, Elementary School - Fillmore - News, Elementary School - Garfield - Principal, Elementary School - Garfield - News, Elementary School - Harrison - Principal, Elementary School - Harrison - News, Elementary School - Hayes - Principal, Elementary School - Hayes - News, Elementary School - Jackson - Principal, Elementary School - Jackson - News, Elementary School - Madison - Principal, Elementary School - Madison - News, Elementary School - McKinley - Principal, Elementary School - McKinley - News, Elementary School - Monroe - Principal, Elementary School - Monroe - News, Elementary School - Truman - Principal, Elementary School - Truman - News, Elementary School - Walcott - Principal, Elementary School - Walcott - News, Elementary School - Washington - Principal, Elementary School - Washington - News, Elementary School - Wilson - Principal, Elementary School - Wilson - News, Alumni News, Stepping Stones
November 13, 2022
Water Precautionary Measures
Water Precautionary Measures
High School - Central - News, High School - West - News, High School - North - News, High School - Mid City - News, Intermediate School - Smart - News, Intermediate School - Sudlow - News, Intermediate School - Walcott - News, Intermediate School - Williams - News, Intermediate School - Wood - News, Elementary School - Adams - News, Elementary School - Blue Grass - News, Elementary School - Buchanan - News, Elementary School - Buffalo - News, Elementary School - Eisenhower - News, Elementary School - Fillmore - News, Elementary School - Garfield - News, Elementary School - Harrison - News, Elementary School - Hayes - News, Elementary School - Jackson - News, Elementary School - Jefferson - News, Elementary School - Madison - News, Elementary School - McKinley - News, Elementary School - Monroe - News, Elementary School - Truman - News, Elementary School - Walcott - News, Elementary School - Washington - News, Elementary School - Wilson - News, Alumni News
October 14, 2022
36th Annual Opus Honor Choir Festival
DCSD Students Selected for Participation
High School - Central - News, High School - West - News, High School - North - News, High School - Mid City - News, Intermediate School - Smart - News, Intermediate School - Sudlow - News, Intermediate School - Walcott - News, Intermediate School - Williams - News, Intermediate School - Wood - News, Elementary School - Adams - News, Elementary School - Blue Grass - News, Elementary School - Buchanan - News, Elementary School - Buffalo - News, Elementary School - Eisenhower - News, Elementary School - Fillmore - News, Elementary School - Garfield - News, Elementary School - Harrison - News, Elementary School - Hayes - News, Elementary School - Jackson - News, Elementary School - Jefferson - News, Elementary School - Madison - News, Elementary School - McKinley - News, Elementary School - Monroe - News, Elementary School - Truman - News, Elementary School - Walcott - News, Elementary School - Washington - News, Elementary School - Wilson - News, Alumni News
October 11, 2022
Community Survey on District Right Sizing Coming Soon
District Residents Asked to Provide Feedback
District - Superintendent, District - Board, High School - Central - News, High School - West - News, High School - North - News, High School - Mid City - News, Intermediate School - Smart - News, Intermediate School - Sudlow - News, Intermediate School - Walcott - News, Intermediate School - Williams - News, Intermediate School - Wood - News, Elementary School - Adams - News, Elementary School - Blue Grass - News, Elementary School - Buchanan - News, Elementary School - Buffalo - News, Elementary School - Eisenhower - News, Elementary School - Fillmore - News, Elementary School - Garfield - News, Elementary School - Harrison - News, Elementary School - Hayes - News, Elementary School - Jackson - News, Elementary School - Jefferson - News, Elementary School - Madison - News, Elementary School - McKinley - News, Elementary School - Monroe - News, Elementary School - Truman - News, Elementary School - Walcott - News, Elementary School - Washington - News, Elementary School - Wilson - News, Alumni News
September 29, 2022
State Auditor Rob Sand to Deliver Award to DCSD
DCSD Receives Public Innovations and Efficiencies (PIE) Awards
District - Superintendent, High School - Central - News, High School - West - News, High School - North - News, High School - Mid City - News, Intermediate School - Smart - News, Intermediate School - Sudlow - News, Intermediate School - Walcott - News, Intermediate School - Williams - News, Intermediate School - Wood - News, Elementary School - Adams - News, Elementary School - Blue Grass - News, Elementary School - Buchanan - News, Elementary School - Buffalo - News, Elementary School - Eisenhower - News, Elementary School - Fillmore - News, Elementary School - Garfield - News, Elementary School - Harrison - News, Elementary School - Hayes - News, Elementary School - Jackson - News, Elementary School - Jefferson - News, Elementary School - Madison - News, Elementary School - McKinley - News, Elementary School - Monroe - News, Elementary School - Truman - News, Elementary School - Walcott - News, Elementary School - Washington - News, Elementary School - Wilson - News, Alumni News
September 28, 2022
Durham Bus Driver Union Negotiations
Davenport Community School District's Statement
District - Superintendent, High School - Central - News, High School - West - News, High School - North - News, High School - Mid City - News, Intermediate School - Smart - News, Intermediate School - Sudlow - News, Intermediate School - Walcott - News, Intermediate School - Williams - News, Intermediate School - Wood - News, Elementary School - Adams - News, Elementary School - Blue Grass - News, Elementary School - Buchanan - News, Elementary School - Buffalo - News, Elementary School - Eisenhower - News, Elementary School - Fillmore - News, Elementary School - Garfield - News, Elementary School - Harrison - News, Elementary School - Hayes - News, Elementary School - Jackson - News, Elementary School - Jefferson - News, Elementary School - Madison - News, Elementary School - McKinley - News, Elementary School - Monroe - News, Elementary School - Truman - News, Elementary School - Walcott - News, Elementary School - Washington - News, Elementary School - Wilson - News, Alumni News
September 28, 2022
Durham School Services Bus Driver Union Negotiations
Durham School Services Statement
High School - Central - News, High School - West - News, High School - North - News, High School - Mid City - News, Intermediate School - Smart - News, Intermediate School - Sudlow - News, Intermediate School - Walcott - News, Intermediate School - Williams - News, Intermediate School - Wood - News, Elementary School - Adams - News, Elementary School - Blue Grass - News, Elementary School - Buchanan - News, Elementary School - Buffalo - News, Elementary School - Eisenhower - News, Elementary School - Fillmore - News, Elementary School - Garfield - News, Elementary School - Harrison - News, Elementary School - Hayes - News, Elementary School - Jackson - News, Elementary School - Jefferson - News, Elementary School - Madison - News, Elementary School - McKinley - News, Elementary School - Monroe - News, Elementary School - Truman - News, Elementary School - Walcott - News, Elementary School - Washington - News, Elementary School - Wilson - News, Alumni News
September 19, 2022
DCSD Board of Ed Fine Arts Calendar
September and October 2022 Fine Arts Calendar
High School - Central - News, High School - West - News, High School - North - News, High School - Mid City - News, Intermediate School - Smart - News, Intermediate School - Sudlow - News, Intermediate School - Walcott - News, Intermediate School - Williams - News, Intermediate School - Wood - News, Elementary School - Adams - News, Elementary School - Blue Grass - News, Elementary School - Buchanan - News, Elementary School - Buffalo - News, Elementary School - Eisenhower - News, Elementary School - Fillmore - News, Elementary School - Garfield - News, Elementary School - Harrison - News, Elementary School - Hayes - News, Elementary School - Jackson - News, Elementary School - Jefferson - News, Elementary School - Madison - News, Elementary School - McKinley - News, Elementary School - Monroe - News, Elementary School - Truman - News, Elementary School - Walcott - News, Elementary School - Washington - News, Elementary School - Wilson - News
August 23, 2022
National School Lunch & Breakfast Program 2022-2023 School Year
Information on free and reduced price meals
High School - Central - News, High School - West - News, High School - North - News, High School - Mid City - News, Intermediate School - Smart - News, Intermediate School - Sudlow - News, Intermediate School - Walcott - News, Intermediate School - Williams - News, Intermediate School - Wood - News, Elementary School - Adams - News, Elementary School - Blue Grass - News, Elementary School - Buchanan - News, Elementary School - Buffalo - News, Elementary School - Eisenhower - News, Elementary School - Fillmore - News, Elementary School - Garfield - News, Elementary School - Harrison - News, Elementary School - Hayes - News, Elementary School - Jackson - News, Elementary School - Jefferson - News, Elementary School - Madison - News, Elementary School - McKinley - News, Elementary School - Monroe - News, Elementary School - Truman - News, Elementary School - Walcott - News, Elementary School - Washington - News, Elementary School - Wilson - News, Alumni News
May 11, 2022
DCSD Students Are Investing in Their Future
Davenport Students Prep for the Business World
High School - Central - News, High School - West - News, High School - North - News, High School - Mid City - News, Intermediate School - Smart - News, Intermediate School - Sudlow - News, Intermediate School - Walcott - News, Intermediate School - Williams - News, Intermediate School - Wood - News, Elementary School - Adams - News, Elementary School - Blue Grass - News, Elementary School - Buchanan - News, Elementary School - Buffalo - News, Elementary School - Eisenhower - News, Elementary School - Fillmore - News, Elementary School - Garfield - News, Elementary School - Harrison - News, Elementary School - Hayes - News, Elementary School - Jackson - News, Elementary School - Jefferson - News, Elementary School - Madison - News, Elementary School - McKinley - News, Elementary School - Monroe - News, Elementary School - Truman - News, Elementary School - Walcott - News, Elementary School - Washington - News, Elementary School - Wilson - News, Alumni News
March 22, 2022
DCSD’s Automotive Technology is Growing Excellence
Get College & Career Ready with CTE
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