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Lead Testing, Vision, Hearing, and Dental Screenings

All screenings will be performed on all eligible students unless a written notification is received from the parent or guardian requesting that the screening not be performed (this is called passive consent).

If your student fails a screening completed at school, a referral to the appropriate health care provider will be made by the school health office. If you do not have a care provider or health insurance, please contact the school health office for assistance.

If your student is not in the identified grades being screened for vision, hearing or dental, you may request that they be screened by contacting the school health office.

Lead Testing

All students enrolling into Kindergarten are required to have at least one lead test.  Parents or guardians need to confirm this testing has been done and provide evidence to the school nurse. The nurse completes a State Lead spreadsheet containing enrolling students' demographic information and sends this to the state. IDHHS will audit the list and return to the school nurse a list of students whom did not meet the requirement. Families will be informed of this needed testing.

Vision Screening

By state law, Vision Screening is required for students entering kindergarten and again entering third grade.

Please have the Certificate of Vision Screening completed and return it to the School Health Office at your child’s elementary building.

 Who can do the screening? 

  • A physician
  • An advanced nurse practitioner
  • A physician assistant
  • The local public health department
  • A public or accredited nonpublic school
  • A community based organization
  • A free clinic
  • A child care center

It is not a requirement to have a full comprehensive exam, but if your child has had a full eye exam in the last year, that will meet the requirements.  

If there is NOT a record of a vision screen provided, your school health office staff will complete the vision screen. If you do not want your child to be screened at the school, please inform the school health office.

Preschool vision screening is performed by the Lion’s Club and written consent is required (This is called active consent).

Hearing Tests

All hearing tests in the Davenport Schools are done by the AEA IX Audiologist/Audiometrist. Testing is done for students in grades Kindergarten-2nd and 5th grades, students with known hearing loss, and all students who are new  to the school district. Parents and teachers may also request that a screening be done whenever a problem is suspected, regardless of the student’s grade. For students not in the categories listed above, this is accomplished through the referral process, which involves filling out a request for screening form obtained from the school nurse. Results of hearing testing may be obtained from the school health office or the Audiologist assigned to the child’s building.

Dental Screening

Dental screening is required for all kindergarten and ninth-grade students. Parents or guardians of kindergarten students will be required to provide evidence of a dental screening on an Iowa Department of Public Health Dental Screening Certificate. The dental screening must be completed no earlier than age three and no later than age six by a dentist, dental hygienist, physician, nurse or physician’s assistant. Dental screenings must now be done within four months of enrollment.

All incoming ninth grade students must provide evidence of a dental screening on an Iowa Department of Public Health Dental Screening Certificate This screening can be done no earlier than one year prior to the date of enrollment. This screening must be performed by a dentist or dental hygienist. Dental screenings must now be done within four months of enrollment.

  • Certificate of Dental Screening (download below)
  • Certificate of Dental Screening Exemption (download below)

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